Friday, May 05, 2006

Our Friday Feast

Tonight we went to see The Treble Choraliers, which is a local women's singing group, so that was very nice.
Our dinner was nice too. LOL.

Here's what we had for dinner tonight:

A potato knish that has potatoes*, and sauerkraut* in it, along with horseradish mustard and some sliced tomatoes. (See the recipe here)

Matzoh Ball and Vegetable Soup (see the matzoh ball recipe here.)
I just used the recipe for the matzoh balls and made a clean out the 'fridge vegetable soup. The soup was made out of leeks*, carrots, celery*, rutabaga*, broccoli*, portabello mushrooms*, button mushrooms, yellow squash*, kale*, parsley*, chives*, and dill. It was very good, and I loved the matzoh balls. Of course, I just love matzoh balls, and could eat them plain. Maybe next time I will. :)

I had to take a picture of these suckers, weighing in at around 1 1/2 lbs. each, which I used these for the knishes. My picture doesn't really do justice to show how big they are.

I apologize for the pictures, they are kind of far away. This is because I took them outside, standing over the dishes, and I didn't think to zoom in. Next time, I promise.

I wanted to make applesauce for dessert, but I didn't have time.

Anyway, here's The Daily Roundup Of Food Rachel Brought Home Today:
swiss chard, collards, kale, portabello mushrooms (not the ones I put in the soup, since I made the soup yesterday. That would have been to easy, using them all up), an eggplant, green peppers, yellow peppers, celery, more chives, scallions, parsley, cilantro, leeks, apples, peaches, an orange, more summer squash, and a small head of red cabbage.

Come back to see what I used everything in. I'm thinking of making a vegetable loaded tomato sauce, but we'll see.



Anonymous said...

Hey Veronica,
I got your post-it and came right home and checked out your blog. Elin and I love it!! I just called her in, "Come see what Veronica made for dinner last night." We are inspired.
XX Debra

primaryconsumer said...

Haha, thanks Debra. Enjoy!

Flo @ Yielded Heart said...

Your pictures look way clearer this time though. As I clicked on them to enlarge, I could now see the goodness of your food!